Personnel Department
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE CLASS: Under the general direction of the Chair of the County Legislature, a Legislator serves on the County Legislature for a three (3) year term as an elected representative of one of nine County Legislative Districts in accordance with the Putnam County Charter. Legislators are assigned to serve on committee(s) by the Chair. Members may be elected by the other members of the Board to serve in the capacity of Chair, Vice Chair, Majority Leader, or Minority Leader. Performs related duties as required.
- Creates, organizes, alters or abolishes departments, commissions, boards, bureaus, offices and employment and/or transfers their functions and duties;
- Exercises all powers of local legislation and administration as provided for counties in Article 9 of the Constitution of the State of New York;
- Provides, by Act, for the compensation of appointive officers and employees;
- Fixes the number of deputies, assistant clerks and other persons to be employed in the several departments, offices and commissions of the County;
- Provides for the creation of offices other than those required by the constitution and laws of the state, and by the County Charter;
- Provides for officers created by law or for the allocation of their duties to existing officers;
- Fixes the amount of all bonds and approves the sureties of all County elective and appointive officers and County employees,
- Employs such legal, financial or other technical advisers as may be necessary from time to time, in relation to the performance of any of the functions of County government;
- Enact such acts and makes such reasonable rules and regulations as may be necessary and proper to carry out the provisions of the County Charter and of general law applicable to the County, and provides for the enforcement of such acts by appropriate penalties;
- Makes appropriations, levies taxes and, except as otherwise provided by the Local Finance Law, incurs indebtedness for the purpose of carrying out any of the powers and duties conferred or imposed on the County or any officer, department, board, commission or other authority thereof, by the Charter or otherwise by law;
- Investigates the official conduct and the accounts, receipts, disbursements, bills and affairs of any office or officer of the County, or of any office or officer of any special County district or other unit of County government, and makes such studies or investigations as it deems to be in the best interests of the County, and for such purposes may subpoena witnesses, administer oaths and require the production of books, papers and other evidence;
- Determines and makes provision for any matter of County government not otherwise provided for, including any matter involved in transition to the form of government provided by the County charter;
- Performs a variety of related activities as required.
Typical Work Activities are intended only as illustrations of possible types of work that might be appropriately assigned to an incumbent of this title. Work activities that do not appear above are not excluded as appropriate work assignments, as long as they can be reasonably understood to be within the logical limits of the job.
MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: This is an elected position for a term of three (3) years.
RESIDENCY REQUIREMENT*: Pursuant to Article 2 of the NYS Public Officers law, the holder of this position must be a United States citizen and a resident of the political subdivision for which he or she shall be chosen, or within which the electors electing him or her reside, and maintain residency for the duration of their term.
11/02; 10/24
Unclassified (Elected)
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Mission Statement
Our mission is to administer, in a fair and equitable manner, the provisions of New York State Civil Service Law and Putnam County Civil Service Rules with respect to the offices and employments in the classified service of Putnam County and the civil divisions therein, which include the towns, villages, school districts, libraries and special districts.
It is Putnam County Personnel Department’s responsibility to ensure Putnam County taxpayers of a public workforce qualified for their jobs pursuant to the principles of selection according to merit and fitness as set forth in Article 5, §6 of the New York State Constitution.

Paul Eldridge
Personnel Officer