Personnel Department
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE CLASS: This is high level administrative and professional work involving responsibility for directing, coordinating and overseeing the planning, organization, recruiting and training, equipping and implementation of a variety of county emergency management programs and services. Work is performed in close cooperation with and under general direction of the Commissioner of Emergency Services, in accordance with the plans, regulations and orders of the New York State Defense Emergency Act and Article 2B of the Executive Law. Supervision is exercised over the work of subordinate employees, as well as municipal and volunteer emergency workers. Performs related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Plans programs by which the emergency management jurisdiction may carry out properly its emergency management responsibilities as required by law and by the plans, regulations and orders of the New York State Defense Emergency Act and Article 2B of the Executive Law;
- Directs the recruitment, organization, training and equipping of volunteers in the various phases of emergency management activities;
- Analyzes the need for and directs the procurement of facilities, equipment and services required for the carrying out of a comprehensive program;
- Directs the internal administration of the unit;
- Conducts periodic meetings with local officials to review emergency management problems, procedures, directives, the coordination of local programs, etc.;
- Participates in meetings called by the State Emergency Management Director and meets with directors and staffs of adjoining offices of emergency management;
- Promotes emergency management activities through speeches before business, industry, civic and other community organizations, directs the distribution of emergency management literature and directs the utilization of all media for public information, education and training;
- Utilizes, in accordance with the Defense Emergency Act, the services, resources, materials and facilities of local government agencies and offices and assigns them primary emergency management responsibilities;
- Directs the local administration relative to various federal contributions programs, surplus property and other fiscal aid programs;
- Responsible for the preparation of a comprehensive emergency management plan for all large-scale emergencies;
- Responsible for the activation and operation of the County Emergency Operations Center which manages emergencies through coordination, communication and sharing of resources;
- Responsible to document and coordinate the Small Business Administration disaster assistance program. Owners and occupants of small businesses and homes may be eligible for low interest loans;
- Coordinates and gathers documentation necessary for Presidential disaster relief in the form of grants for damages to public facilities and income eligible individuals;
- Accesses emergency equipment stockpile controlled by New York State for use by local governments during emergencies.
- Distributes lists of available federal surplus property from New York State to fire and police agencies and local highway departments;
- Conducts annual full-scale exercises of the County's Radiological Emergency Response Plan relating to the Indian Point nuclear power plants;
- Manages the County Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) forces who assist the County during the annual radiological exercises and actual emergency occurrences;
- Responsible for the management and coordination of address changes initiated by towns and villages and required for the implementation of an E-911 telephone system;
- Establishes a workable and practical emergency management attack warning and information system within his jurisdiction capable of receiving warnings of enemy attack, impending natural disaster or radioactive fallout and disseminating these warnings quickly and accurately to key officials of his area, to emergency management forces and to the public;
- Directs the implementation of the shelter, home preparedness and other programs designed to keep residents informed in all matters necessary to personal and public safety in the event of attack or natural disaster;
- In event of attack emergencies, or when requested to cooperate in natural disasters, directs emergency management operations within his jurisdiction;
- Serves as emergency energy coordinator by determining availability of energy resources, disseminates pertinent information to the public and advises the County Executive on energy matters.
- Performs a variety of related activities as required.
Typical Work Activities are intended only as illustrations of possible types of work that might be appropriately assigned to an incumbent of this title. Work activities that do not appear above are not excluded as appropriate work assignments, as long as they can be reasonably understood to be within the logical limits of the job.
FULL PERFORMANCE KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS: Thorough knowledge of organizational practices; thorough knowledge of command and control methods; good knowledge of recruitment, equipping and training methods; good knowledge of organization of government, particularly state and local, familiarity with disaster control methods; ability to effectively organize for large scale operations; ability to conduct promotional and public relations activities; ability to meet and deal with people effectively; ability to present ideas and informational materials clearly and forcefully through both the spoken and written word; initiative; imagination; tact.
- Master's degree and one (1) year of experience in emergency planning and response preparation or related activity; or
- Bachelor's degree and (3) years of experience in emergency planning and response preparation or related activity;
- An equivalent combination of training and experience as described in a) and b) above.
PLEASE NOTE: Your degree must have been awarded by a college or university accredited by a regional, national, or specialized agency recognized as an accrediting agency by the U.S. Department of Education/U.S. Secretary of Education.
- Possession of a valid, unrestricted, appropriate level driver’s license, and acceptable driving record are required at time of appointment and must be maintained throughout employment.
- May be required to attend specified training courses upon appointment.
5/85; 2/89; 11/95; 9/97; 9/99; 3/09; 10/24
Exempt Class
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Mission Statement
Our mission is to administer, in a fair and equitable manner, the provisions of New York State Civil Service Law and Putnam County Civil Service Rules with respect to the offices and employments in the classified service of Putnam County and the civil divisions therein, which include the towns, villages, school districts, libraries and special districts.
It is Putnam County Personnel Department’s responsibility to ensure Putnam County taxpayers of a public workforce qualified for their jobs pursuant to the principles of selection according to merit and fitness as set forth in Article 5, §6 of the New York State Constitution.

Paul Eldridge
Personnel Officer