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Putnam County

Putnam Invests in Leaders of Tomorrow


Putnam County’s Summer Internship Program

Putnam County invites high school juniors and seniors, undergraduate and graduate students to apply for paid & unpaid summer internship opportunities within Putnam County government.

  • Explore a potential career field and develop career-related skills;
  • Demonstrate to college and/or graduate school admission counselors and future employers your motivation to learn and build experience in your field of study or area of interest;
  • Establish pre-professional experience;
  • Develop personal contacts in your field of interest.

Interns selected will be matched, to the extent possible, with work opportunities in Putnam County government that align with the student’s interests and/or field of study.  Internships are available in most County departments.

Whether paid or unpaid, join Putnam County’s team in providing vital services to our constituents.

Program Goals:
  • Provide high school, college and graduate students with an opportunity for an enriching summer work experience.
  • Provide our students with access to County government professionals and an opportunity to gain insight and experience from working in local government service activities.
  • To plant seeds for possible future employment and potential future leaders for our County government.
Program Duration:

Internships typically run from June through August, with flexible starting and ending dates. Duration may depend on student availability or department need, to a maximum of 8 weeks.

Hourly rate for paid positions will be :
  • High school Students        $11.00/hour
  • College Students               $12.00/hour
  • Graduate Students            $13.00/hour
Unpaid Positions:

Unpaid internships will be available. Children of County employees are also eligible for these positions.

For Credit Positions:

For-Credit Internship positions are also available. Our desire is to coordinate with the applicant’s school to provide credit for the time spent and experience obtained.  The program period will be the same.  The amount of hours worked will be coordinated among the school, student and the Department Head.

  • Resident of Putnam County
  • Be 16 years of age or older
  • Be currently enrolled in school or and/or be enrolled to higher education in the fall. Graduates not furthering their education cannot be considered.
  • There is a three year cap for returning interns. We want to share the experiences with others.
  • Children of Putnam County employees are ineligible for paid internships, but are welcome to apply for unpaid positions.
  • Certain assignments may require background screening.
Selection Criteria:
  1. Be eligible to work in the United States
  2. Meet the above eligibility requirements
  3. A grade point average (GPA) above 3.0 is preferred
  4. Preference will be given to undergraduate/graduate students for paid internship opportunities
  5. Ability to commit to work 28 hours/week



"Working as a PILOT intern I gained the skills and confidence to work on a variety of different projects and learn from others about the work they do. When you work in the community you live in, you get to see first hand the impact it has."

Meredith Jennings

Office of Senior Resources, 2015, 2016 Personnel Department, 2018

"It was at the IT department that I was influenced into taking up Computer Engineering as my major in college. I enjoyed learning about computer software as I has not had much experience in it beforehand."

"After my internship I was really looking forward to working within emergency management. Although my path took me in a different direction, I knew I wanted to work in public service because of my time at the Bureau of Emergency Services."

"Studying engineering in the classroom looks a lot different than practicing it in the field, so I was grateful to get a variety of experience in the field to better understand what specific engineering field I wanted to work in. The internship taught me how perform environmental sampling which was critical to getting my first job."

"Working with the Youth Bureau gave me a sense of purpose, and it also pushed me out of my comfort zone in the best possible way."

"I was able to work alongside the nurses in the WIC program and go on home visits to visit the newborn babies and assess their well being. I learned how much our Health Department does for the community."


    The application for the Summer 2025 session of Putnam County's PILOT Internship Program has now closed. If interested, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to be added to a waitlist. 

    Contact Us

    Putnam County Personnel Department

    Please visit us, call, write, or email us with any questions or concerns.

    • Address:

      Donald B. Smith
      County Government Campus
      110 Old Route 6, Building 3
      Carmel, NY 10512

    • Phone:

      845-808-1650 x46104

    • Fax:


    • Hours of Operation
    • Monday through Friday

      9:00am - 5:00pm

    • Summer Hours
    • Monday through Friday

      8:00am - 4:00pm

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