Youth Bureau

The Putnam County Youth Bureau and Youth Board will be hosting their 40th Annual Youth Awards Dinner and are in search of youth and adult candidates
The Putnam County Youth Bureau and Youth Board will be hosting their 40th Annual
Youth Awards Dinner and are in search of youth candidates who volunteer their time in
the community, as well as one adult candidate who volunteers their time with youth in
the community to be honored as the James F. Reitz award recipient.
There are many high school students and adults who serve as positive role models in
Putnam County, therefore we are asking you for your help to identify them! Each year
the Putnam County Youth Bureau in collaboration with the Putnam County Youth Board
hosts the Youth Awards Dinner to recognize these individuals for their extraordinary
volunteer service in the community. Please support our efforts by nominating one or
more students and/or adult(s) that deserve to be honored on Thursday, April 10th
, 2025, at 6:30 pm at Putnam County Golf Course for their exemplary community service efforts.
Candidate nominations will be accepted until Friday, November 15th. Please visit the
Youth Awards section of the Putnam County Youth Bureau webpage for further
information www.putnamcountyny.com/youth-bureau#awards
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Contact Us
Mission Statement
The Putnam County Youth Bureau receives funding from the New York State Office of Children and Family Services and is responsible for administering four state funding streams.
These programs serve youth who are at risk of becoming involved or further involved in the juvenile justice or human services system. They specifically aim to divert youth from placement in out of home settings.
Contact the
Putnam County Youth Bureau
Office | 845.808.1600
Fax | 845.808.1907
Email | Send us a message
Address | 110 Old Route 6, Building 3 Carmel, NY 10512

Janeen Cunningham