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Real Property Tax Service Agency

Real Property Tax Service Agency

Putnam County

Mission Statement

Our department is designed to function as the educational, advisory and assistance arm of County Government, providing a multitude of administrative and technical services to local government, assessing officials and the general public.

Our activities become paramount to delivering the highest level of professional quality programs by those responsible for such, and establish the framework by which county government is financed in a reasonable and consistent manner.

Real Property
Tax Service Agency



Trish McLoughlin

Real Property
Tax Service Agency

Services Offered

  • E-Parcel / ImageMate / IQS (Land Records)

    Image Mate Online is Putnam County’s commitment to provide Our Clients with easy access to real property information. Putnam County, with the cooperation of SDG, provides access to RPS data, tax maps, and photographic images of properties.

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  • New York State Forms / Star Info

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  • Ag District / Keep Putnam Farming

    The Putnam County Agricultural and Farmland Protection Board (PCAFPB) was formed in 1997 to advise the County legislature on actions that impact farms, and review Agricultural District petitions submitted during the Annual Enrollment period of April 1st through April 30th.  The PCAFPB shall also develop, assess, and approve county agricultural and farmland protection plans.  The PCAFPB is a resource for farmers, landowners, and municipalities regarding any agricultural concerns within Putnam County.

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  • Tax Rolls & Rates

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  • County Clerk

    The County Clerk is the County Registrar and Clerk of the Supreme and County Courts, in addition to other responsibilities.

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  • County Clerk

    The County Clerk is the County Registrar and Clerk of the Supreme and County Courts, in addition to other responsibilities.

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  • Finance & Tax Collection

    The County Finance Department performs the following functions: Tax Collection, Budgeting, Accounts Receivable and Payable Payroll, Producing Financial Statements and Information, including financial analyses, Investment, Acquisition of Property for Unpaid Taxes, Providing Certificates of Residence for individuals who want to attend a community college outside of Putnam County at a reduced tuition.

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  • Towns & Villages

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E-Parcel / Imagemate / IQS (Land Records) - HOW TO ACCESS




Select ‘Click Here for Public Access’.

Put in the Tax ID # preferably, or use Last Name, Select Enter.

A table of information comes up on the property.

For the Property Card, look to the right under Documents.  This is where the scanned property card is located.

If there are any updates to the property card since the summer of 2024 scan, additional notes will be located on the left under Parcel History.

Explore the click buttons to the left and right of the page.


Selecting E-Parcel will allow you to view maps of the subject property.  Go to the top and select the Search icon (magnifying glass).

Put in your Tax ID # and the parcel will come up outlined in red.  A box will show the municipality, the approximate acreage, and the address.

The next icon on the upper right can show you Map Layers.

To the right of this is the FEMA Legend.  If your property is not in a flood zone, you will likely not see anything.

The four little squares just below this bar, all the way to the right, will show you different types of maps.  The 2001 Map is the most recent flyover that will show you an aerial view of the subject property.  You can zoom in and out on your property.


Please see Putnam County Clerk’s website page for instructions.


Real Property Tax Service Office

Trish McLoughlin, Director

Tax Rolls & Tax rates

Tax Rolls

Tax Rates

Towns & Villages

Town Assessors

Carmel Assessor’s Office
60 McAlpin Ave
Mahopac NY 10541

Kent Assessor’s Office
25 Sybils Crossing, Suite 112
Carmel NY 10512

Patterson Assessor’s Office
1142 Route 311
Patterson NY 12563

Philipstown Assessor’s Office
238 Main St
Cold Spring NY 10516

Putnam Valley Assessor’s Office
265 Oscawana Lake Rd
Putnam Valley NY 10579

Southeast Assessor’s Office
1360 Route 22
Brewster NY 10509

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Workforce Partnership

Workforce Partnership

Putnam County

Mission Statement

The Mission of Putnam County Workforce is to provide rigorous and relevant workforce development solutions that create opportunities for individual career advancement. We collaborate with workers, employers, and communities to help build a skilled workforce.

Contact Workforce Partnership



Marie Daly

Workforce Partnership

Services Offered

Organization Type: Not For Profit
Fee for Services: None

  • NYS Division of Veterans Affairs

    For more information on benefits,
    contact the NYS Division of Veterans Affairs


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  • Putnam Red Carpet Team

    Our mission is to be the primary resource for comprehensive business services in Putnam County.


    •  Enhance communication with the business community;
    •  Encourage and coordinate access to available programs, resources and benefits, and
    • Provide professional advice and direction to help solve business issues.

  • Partnerships

    The Partnership is a collaboration of local businesses, education, state and local government agencies whose mission is to provide a one-stop approach to comprehensive education, training and employment services for employers and employees in Putnam County.

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  • Job Postings

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Putnam County Workforce Partnership

The Partnership is here to assist you in your efforts of obtaining employment, resume preparation, career counseling, job development, education and training.

The Partnership also has an affiliate site at The Mahopac Library Job & Education Information Center. You are welcomed to visit the location for additional job services and computers with tutorial software.

Resource Room: offers computers for Internet access, phone, fax machine and copier all to be utilized for job and school training assistance.

Computer Lab: offers self-taught tutorials for Microsoft Office programs as well as QuickBooks, for both new and advanced users. Appointments are required to reserve a computer station.

Resume Preparation:  you may make an appointment with our Career Counselors for assistance with creating, updating or critiquing your resume.

Visit with our Labor Services Representatives for more intensive job search efforts. If warranted, they will make a referral to our WIOA Intensive Services Case Manager to discuss training/education opportunities.

How does it work?

The Partnership is a collaboration of local businesses, education, state and local government agencies whose mission is to provide a one-stop approach to comprehensive education, training and employment services for employers and employees in Putnam County.

Description of Services: To enable Putnam residents and local businesses to access resources for education, training and employment needs. Employers trying to identify qualified employees and individuals looking for work will be able to conduct their search locally. Individuals will have access to NYS Department of Labor’s Job Bank. The Partnership provides an arena for screening, testing and interviewing potential employees.

Contact Workforce Partnership

Please call, write, or email us with any questions or concerns. Or come talk to us in person!

110 Old Route 6 Building #3
Carmel, NY  10512
Tel:  845-808-1651×46600

For more information on benefits,
contact the NYS Division of Veterans Affairs


Putnam Red Carpet Team

Our mission is to be the primary resource for comprehensive business services in Putnam County.


  •  Enhance communication with the business community;
  •  Encourage and coordinate access to available programs, resources and benefits, and
  • Provide professional advice and direction to help solve business issues.

Red Carpet Matrix

Veterans | Our Priority!

New York State’s One – Stop Career Centers are proud to offer Priority of Service to veterans and their eligible spouses.

If you served in the military, we will:
Serve you first by the next available staff member give you first priority to any jobs or training for which you are eligible and qualified

To get started, see any One-Stop Career Center staff member.


Job Postings


The Putnam Workforce Partnership is comprised of the following agencies

  • Department of Social Services Employment & Training Unit

  • New York State Department of Labor

  • Board of Cooperative Educational Services

  • Economic Development Corporation (EDC/IDA)

  • Westchester Community College

  • Putnam County Libraries – Mahopac Library

  • Putnam Community Action Partnership

  • Dutchess Community College


  • US Small Business Administration

  • CAREERS for People with Disabilities Inc.

  • Putnam County Chambers of Commerce

  • Putnam County Housing Corporation

Putnam County is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer

Read more …Workforce Partnership

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Department of Probation

Putnam County

Mission Statement

The mission of the Putnam County Probation Department is to protect the safety and well-being of the people of Putnam County by diligently supervising the juveniles and adults placed under our direction by the family and criminal courts.

We also strive to assist these individuals in addressing their various problems and needs in order to become productive members of the community. Additionally, we assist crime victims in restoring their lives through reparation and with referrals to community resources.

Contact the Department of Probation 



John F. Osterhout II

Department of 

Services Offered

  • Directory

    Learn More

  • Criminal Court Adult Services

    Learn More

  • Family Court Petition Assistance

    The probation department assists the public with filling out Family Court related petitions having to do with family offenses (aka orders of protection) and custody/visitation. This also includes preparation of modification and violation (aka enforcement) petitions.  We can handle some emergency walk-in petitions, but it is always best to call ahead to let us know you will be coming, to make the process as smooth as possible for you.  All other petitions are handled by appointment.  Please call ahead to schedule.

    Learn More

  • F.A.Q.s

    Here are some commonly asked questions for the Department of Probation.

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  • Probation Employment Liaison Officer

    The Putnam County Probation Department recognizes the importance of sustained employment for individuals under community supervision. Employment provides individuals a means to self-sufficiency and the ability to support their families, as well as the capacity to structure their time in positive ways. Probation also understands the needs of area employers and their ability to ask questions of probation officers about work schedules and other work environment related issues. Accordingly, the Putnam County Probation Department has designated a single point of contact or Probation Employment Liaison officer to communicate with area employers.

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  • Treatment Court

    Treatment Court – a coordinated team effort of the assigned judge, court staff, prosecution, defense counsel, probation, sheriff’s department, mental health, social services, and treatment professionals to actively intervene and break the cycle of substance abuse, addiction and crime. Participation is offered to those who would otherwise be facing incarceration for offenses that are drug or alcohol related.

  • Helpful Links

    Here is a list of helpful links that we have vetted for your own use.

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Probation is a proven, cost-effective utilization of taxpayers’ dollars within the criminal justice system to supervise offenders in the community as an alternative to incarceration. Probation services are mandated by New York State Executive Law Section 256 which provides for the establishment of county probation agencies.

Today’s probation officers find themselves performing many of the functions performed by their counterparts in the police and corrections services. Like police and other peace officers throughout the state, Putnam County probation officers are armed and trained in the use of weapons. Probation officers are also exposed daily to the risks and dangers involved in managing an increasingly high-risk and sometimes violent criminal population.

Probation officers in Putnam County provide a vital law enforcement element to the community’s public safety and comprise the main support function to our criminal justice system. Their duties involve them in virtually all phases of the criminal justice process. A probation officer is challenged to be a peace officer, case manager, and the investigative arm of the courts. Administratively, a probation officer is within the executive branch of government.

Probation officers are challenged to oversee the supervision and treatment of offenders, satisfy crime victims, be accountable to the public, monitor school and employment progress, conduct home visits, supervise resistant, high-risk offenders, administer drug/alcohol tests and be on call to duty as needed.

Probation officers must be thoroughly trained in such areas as chemical dependency, the law, sex offenses, child abuse, domestic violence, literacy, employment counseling, mental health, field and office safety, defensive tactics and crisis intervention. They must be familiar with the resources available in the community and must be able to effectively collaborate with other law enforcement agencies, as well as various rehabilitative organizations.




  • John F. Osterhout II


    • Programs: STOP-DWI Coordinator, Staff Development
  • Angel Acosta

    Senior Probation Officer

    • Caseload: Spanish Speaking Population
    • Extension: 49117
  • Erin Conley

    Probation Officer

    • Caseload: Pre-Trial Release, Electronic Monitoring
    • Extension: 49122
  • Amy Dehais

    Probation Supervisor

    • Special Duties: Transfer Designee, General Topics Instructor, OC Instructor, Warrant Squad Coordinator
    • Extension: 49120
  • Suhay Diaz

    Probation Officer

    • Caseload: Juveniles – JD/PINS, Spanish Speaking
    • Special Duties: Warrant Squad
    • Extension: 49119
  • Pauline Dunne

    Senior Typist

    • Extension: 49100
  • Charleen Effinger

    Senior Probation Officer

    • Caseload: Sex Offenders
    • Special Duties: General Topics Instructor, OC Instructor, Warrant Squad, Staff Development, Workforce Development Specialist, Employment Liaison
    • Extension: 49129
  • Joanne Kinash

    Account Clerk

    • Extension: 49104
  • April Lathrop

    Probation Officer

    • Caseload: Domestic Violence
    • Special Duties: Warrant Squad
    • Extension: 49113
  • Andrea Mastromonaco

    Probation Officer

    • Caseload: High-risk DWI
    • Extension: 49116
  • Rick McCauley

    Probation Supervisor

    • Special Duties: Transfer Designee
    • Extension: 49106
  • Dianne Norris

    Senior Probation Officer

    • Caseload: Treatment Court/Veterans Court, Kent Community Policing & Animal Cruelty.
    • Special Duties: Warrant Squad, Field Intelligence Officer and E-Justice Terminal Agency Coordinator
    • Extension: 49126
  • Louise Opfer

    Treatment Court Coordinator

    • Phone Number: 845.208.7892
  • Caitlyn Reilly

    Probation Assistant

    • Programs: Family Court Petitions
    • Extension: 49103
  • Kelli Sposato

    Probation Assistant

    • Programs: Ignition Interlock Monitor, Drug Testing
    • Extension: 49123
  • Naura Slivinsky

    STOP-DWI Program Administrator

    • Extension: 46127
  • Elizabeth Tompkins

    Senior Probation Officer

    • Caseload: Carmel/Mahopac
    • Extension: 49124
  • Adam Warm

    Probation Officer

    • Caseload: Philipstown, Cold Spring and Putnam Valley
    • Extension: 49141

Criminal Court Adult Services

  • Victim Impact Panel– mandated for DWI offenders; presentation by victims who volunteer to tell their stories of how their lives have been dramatically altered by a drunk driver. 
    Please click here for the 2024 Schedule
    Please click here for the 2025 Schedule
  • Community Policing– probation officers ride along with members of the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office and police departments in the Towns of Kent and Carmel to conduct home/field visits of probationers.
  • Domestic Violence Offender Specialized Supervision– limited caseload of DV offenders assigned to one probation officer, supervised intensively, with special emphasis placed on the needs of victims.
  • Sex Offender Specialized Supervision– limited caseload of sex offenders intensively supervised by one probation officer with greatest emphasis placed on minimizing re-offense.
  • Warrant Squad– Specially trained, armed probation officers who execute Violation of Probation warrants on probationers who have absconded from supervision or who are otherwise in violation of their court ordered conditions.
  • Alternatives to Incarceration Program consists of two parts:  Pre-Trial Release and Community Service.
    • Pre-Trial Release – As an alternative to bail, individuals who have been charged with a crime, but not yet convicted, may be released by the court with conditions that could include pre-trial supervision by a probation officer and/or electronic monitoring.
    • Community Service – The courts order a defendant to perform a specified number of community service hours in lieu of jail time. The probation assistant develops and monitors appropriate community service work sites and matches up defendants to these work sites, monitoring their compliance and successful completion.

Family Court Petition Assistance

Family Court Petition Assistance

The probation department assists the public with filling out Family Court related petitions having to do with family offenses (aka orders of protection) and custody/visitation. This also includes preparation of modification and violation (aka enforcement) petitions.  We can handle some emergency walk-in petitions, but it is always best to call ahead to let us know you will be coming, to make the process as smooth as possible for you.  All other petitions are handled by appointment.  Please call ahead to schedule.

If you have made an appointment for Family Offense petition assistance please arrive 10-15 minutes early to allow time to fill out the initial paperwork we require. If you prefer to complete these forms ahead of time, please see the forms below.


If you are coming here to modify or violate (enforce) an order you will need to bring that order with you. We do not have access to look up your case or see your case history. Should you not have these documents upon your arrival, you will be asked to go to the courthouse to obtain copies.  Please be aware that the court cannot always print these documents for you right away and, at times, will need to mail them to you. If this happens, you will need to re-schedule your appointment with our office.

To ensure you have everything you may need for your appointment, it’s best to bring the most recent family court orders, if any, as well as Judgment of Divorce AND Stipulation of Settlement with you.  These need to be signed copies.



Our office does not assist in preparations of adoption or guardianship petitions. The Putnam County Supreme Court handles these cases. You will need to contact that office to determine what steps you need to take. They can be reached at 845-208-7800.

We do not prepare petitions to file for a modification of a local criminal court order of protection.  You must contact the Putnam County District Attorney’s office to obtain information about this. They can be reached at 845-808-1050.

The Putnam County Support Collection Unit can also assist the public with preparing support related petitions if you are using the support collection unit to collect the child support. They can be reached at 845-808-1500.

Should you wish to fill out these forms yourself please use the following links to download and print your forms.  Once printed, please bring these completed petitions to the Putnam County Family Court Clerk’s office.


For a complete list of all New York State petitions available please visit:

Additionally, there is a computer in the court library as well as on 2nd floor of the courthouse for the public to self-prepare these petitions.

After completion, all petitions are then filed on the 2nd floor of the courthouse at the Putnam County Family Court Clerk’s office.  Once your petition is filed all questions regarding your case or court appearance dates will need to be directed to the family court clerk’s Office.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Probation?

    Probation is an alternative to incarceration that allows certain offenders to live and work in the community, support their families, participate in counseling services and make restitution to the victims of their crimes. The ultimate goal of probation supervision is to protect the community, rehabilitate the offender and reduce crime.

    Probation is the most common sentence imposed by the courts in the United States, and probation officers supervise more offenders than the NYS Department of Corrections and Division of Parole combined.

  • How is Probation different from Parole?

    Although probation and parole officers share similar functions and responsibilities, there is a difference in the population they supervise. Probation is an alternative to incarceration, and though some defendants spend a short period of time in jail, at the beginning of their probation sentence, most remain free in the community. Parole officers, on the other hand, supervise individuals who have served a sentence and been released from the state prison system.

  • What are the powers of a Probation Officer?

    Probation Officers are designated as peace officers, holding powers similar to those of a police officer, but different. Probation officers have the power to arrest, even without a warrant if circumstances dictate. They also have the authority to search the person and property of an offender without a warrant to ensure compliance with conditions of probation. Some officers carry guns, others do not.

  • What is a defendant sentenced to Probation required to do?

    Depending on the circumstances surrounding their case, defendants may be required to: attend substance abuse, mental health or other types of counseling program; remain abstinent from alcohol and drugs; submit to drug and alcohol testing; abide by a curfew; pay restitution; remain employed or in school; drive with an ignition interlock device in their vehicle; or abide by other conditions that are related to their rehabilitation.

  • What happens if a probationer violates the terms of Probation?

    Several different factors are considered when a probationer violates the terms of supervision, including the seriousness of the violation and the history of the offender. Sanctions imposed can range from an increased level of supervision to revocation of the sentence and a period of incarceration.

Helpful Links

Probation Employment Liaison Officer

The Putnam County Probation Department recognizes the importance of sustained employment for individuals under community supervision. Employment provides individuals a means to self-sufficiency and the ability to support their families, as well as the capacity to structure their time in positive ways. Probation also understands the needs of area employers and their ability to ask questions of probation officers about work schedules and other work environment related issues. Accordingly, the Putnam County Probation Department has designated a single point of contact or Probation Employment Liaison officer to communicate with area employers.

Please feel free to contact Senior Probation Officer Charleen Effinger at 845-808-1111 ext 49129 if you are an area employer who has any general questions about probation conditions relating to employment, employment opportunities for individuals on probation, or if you have any other employment related questions or concerns.

Read more …Probation

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Planning, Development & Public Transportation

Planning, Development & Public Transportation

Putnam County


The Department of Planning, Development, and Public Transportation operates from 9am to 5pm Monday through Friday with the exception of Summer Hours (8am - 4pm) from mid-June through mid-September.

The Department of Planning, Development, and Public Transportation is dedicated to enhancing the lives of the Putnam County residents through comprehensive land use, environmental, and transportation planning services. Operating with a commitment to excellence, we provide essential support in land use reviews, public transit operations, and climate-smart initiatives. Our mission encompasses securing state and federal grants, conducting regional studies, and offering educational training to empower local planning and zoning boards. We strive to foster sustainable development and improve community connectivity, ensuring that our initiatives not only meet the needs of today but also preserve our environment for future generations. Together, we are committed to building a vibrant and resilient Putnam County.

PLEASE NOTE: Appointments are needed for technical assistance.

Contact Planning, Development & Public Transportation

  •   Office |  845.878.3480
  • Fax | 845.808.1948

  • Address | 841 Fair Street
    Carmel, NY 10512



Barbara Barosa, AICP

Planning, Development,
and Public Transportation


  • Affiliate Agency Links

    Click to see a full list of agencies that we coordinate with.

    Read more

  • Agriculture and Farmland Protection Board (AFPB)

    The Putnam County Agricultural and Farmland Protection Board (PCAFPB) was formed in 1997 to advise the County legislature on actions that impact farms, and review Agricultural District petitions submitted during the Annual Enrollment period of April 1st through April 30th.  The PCAFPB shall also develop, assess, and approve county agricultural and farmland protection plans.  The PCAFPB is a resource for farmers, landowners, and municipalities regarding any agricultural concerns within Putnam County.

    The AFPB is a division under the Putnam County Department of Public Works (DPW).

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  • Census 2020

    The Census is mandated by the U.S. Constitution. The United States has been conducting the Census every ten years since 1790. Data from the Census will be used for the next ten years for many things – including determining New York State’s representation in Congress as well as local districting. 

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  • Civil Rights (FTA)

    FTA’s Office of Civil Rights is responsible for ensuring public transit providers comply with all nondiscrimination requirements. FTA oversees the implementation of laws and regulations that prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, and age in the provision of services to the public. 

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  • Climate Smart Communities

    The Climate Smart Communities (CSC) Program began in 2009 as an interagency initiative of New York State with NYSDEC acting as the main administrator. The program helps local governments take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to a changing climate.

    Putnam County officially became a Bronze Certified Climate Smart Community in June 2024.

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  • County 239 Referrals

    New York State General Municipal Law §239‐l, m & n, also referred to as GML §239, was established to encourage and coordinate inter‐community and county‐wide planning and zoning decisions between local municipalities and county planning officials. 

    GML §239 requires that all towns and villages in Putnam County refer development applications, proposed zoning changes, and comprehensive plan adoption or amendments to the Putnam County Department of Planning, Development & Public Transportation (County Planning) under certain circumstances for review, comment, and recommendation prior to taking final action. The purpose of this law is to bring relevant inter community and county‐wide planning, zoning, site plan and subdivision considerations to the attention of neighboring municipalities and agencies having jurisdiction.

    239 Referral Guide

    239 Referral Form

  • Public Transportation

    The County's public transportation system, Putnam Area Rapid Transit (PART), operates four fixed routes year-round in addition to a seasonal trolley in Cold Spring and a commuter shuttle to the Metro North Station at Croton Falls. Half-Fare is available to those who apply and meet necessary requirements. PART Paratransit is an origin-to-destination transportation system for those Putnam residents who are unable to use the PART public transportation due to a physical or mental disability. PART Paratransit operates specially modified vans to transport riders with a range of disabilities, including those who use wheelchairs.

    Learn More

  • Towns and Villages

    Click to see a list of the towns and villages within Putnam County, New York.

    Learn More

  • Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD)

    The Soil and Water Conservation District was developed in 1967 to administer programs related to soil, water, and natural resource conservation and provide technical assistance and programs to residents, landowners, and units of government.

    The SWCD is a division under the Putnam County Department of Public Works (DPW).

    Learn More

Planning Studies

  • 2009 Putnam County Main Street Partnership Planning Study

    The Putnam County Main Street Partnership represents a partnership between Putnam County
    and its towns and villages to address issues of community revitalization in the County’s
    hamlets, villages, and traditional commercial centers.

  • 2018 Putnam County Commercial Corridors Planning and Feasibility Study

    Putnam County commissioned AKRF and Hudson Valley Pattern for Progress to conduct a planning and feasibility study of 10 key commercial corridors throughout the County. The purpose of the study is to establish recommendations towards the revitalization and improvements for each corridor. These recommendations are based on a thorough transportation and traffic assessment, current economic conditions, socio-economic demographics and spending analysis and an existing conditions survey.

    Learn More

  • 2019 Putnam County Intersection Improvement Feasibility Study

    This study conducted a needs assessment of various intersections throughout Putnam County and evaluated the feasibility of (i) converting an intersection to a roundabout, or (ii) traffic signal placement/upgrades at an intersection, and/or (iii) addition of turn lane(s) at an intersection.  The study examined the feasibility of and made recommendations on improving traffic conditions, e.g., traffic signal upgrades, geometric improvements such as the addition of turn lanes, placement of a roundabout, with consideration given to plan consistency (long range plan).

  • 2022 Southeast to Danbury Rail Link Feasibility Study

    Summary: The Southeast to Danbury Rail Link Feasibility Study evaluated the restoration of passenger rail service on the southern Beacon Line, an approximate 11-mile rail corridor between the Southeast and/or Brewster Stations on the MNR Harlem Line in New York and the Danbury Station on the State of Connecticut/Metro-North Danbury Line in Connecticut. The purpose of the study was to determine whether it is financially and operationally feasible to restore passenger service to the 11-mile section.

    Conclusion: Assuming certain environmental concerns can be successfully addressed though future, more detailed analysis, the Southeast to Danbury Rail-Link is technically feasible and could operate without degrading other Metro-North services. 


  • 2024 Putnam County Intersection Feasibility Study

    The Putnam County Department of Planning, Development, and Public Transportation retained the services of Greenman Pedersen, Inc. (GPI) to develop an Intersection Improvement Feasibility Study with funding from the UPWP. The study utilizes traffic data from 2022 and 2023 at twelve intersections throughout Putnam County to assess existing traffic conditions and determine the operational, capacity, and safety needs for each. This assessment included a review of potential intersection improvements, where appropriate, and an assessment of the costs and feasibility of the improvement alternatives.

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  • 2024 Putnam County Complete Streets Study

    The recently completed study conducted by AKRF, Inc. on behalf of Putnam County Planning evaluated six intersections and roadways throughout Putnam County in order to assess the existing transportation network conditions and develop conceptual recommendations to enhance roadway safety and improve the active transportation (walking, biking, etc.) environment.

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  • 2024 Pavement Management Report

    Putnam County engaged PMG to implement a comprehensive Pavement Management Program (PMP) utilizing their state-of-the-art RoadINsights™ platform. This project included a detailed assessment of the County’s 116.8 centerline miles of roadways, encompassing over 15.5 million square feet and 103 management sections. The outcome of this project is a clear, actionable roadmap for improving the County's road network, ensuring safer and more reliable roadways for the community.

Affiliate Agency Links

Putnam County Towns & Villages

News & Press Releases

News & Press Release

Read more …Planning, Development & Public Transportation

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Parks & Recreation

Parks & Recreation

Putnam County

Mission Statement

It is the mission of the Putnam County Parks Division to provide safe, passive recreational opportunities to the residents of Putnam County while preserving open space, protecting environmentally sensitive areas, and promoting smart stewardship of County owned lands.

It is the goal of the Parks Division to offer a wide selection of passive recreational opportunities as a means to improve the quality of life for all county residents.

  • Park Hours:
    7 days a week
    10:00am – 3:30 pm
    10:00am – 7:30 pm (Memorial Day to Labor Day)

Contact the
Parks & Recreation Department



Chris Ruthven

Parks & Recreation

Services Offered

  • Welcome

    County Parks and Conservation Areas are open and maintained for the enjoyment of everyone. Park employees patrol and maintain these properties throughout the year but are not always aware of problems that arise. We depend on residents to be our eyes and ears by reporting problems or concerns so they can be addressed promptly.

    The Putnam County Parks Department office is located at Putnam County Veteran’s Memorial Park.

    Learn More

  • Park Hours

    • Park Hours:
      7 days a week
      10:00am – 3:30 pm
      10:00am – 7:30 pm (Memorial Day to Labor Day)
  • Brochures, Trail Maps & Helpful LInks

    Looking for a specific trail and additional information that can help you on your visit to our parks? Click the link below to utilize our various resources.

    Learn More

  • Bike Routes

    The Putnam Trailway is a paved bicycle/pedestrian path located primarily on right-of-way lands of the former Putnam Division of the New York Central Railroad. The “Old Put” as it was formerly referred to by commuters, provided freight and passenger service from 1881 to 1958 between the Bronx in New York City and Brewster in Putnam County.

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  • Park Reservations / Day Passes

    Park Reservations can be made Monday to Friday 7:30 am to 4:00 pm

    Give us a call to make your resevation or aquire a Day Pass today! 

    • Day Pass:
      Free for Veterans
      Additional Parking Fee Required


  • Park & Conservation Areas

    Visit our beautiful Parks & Concervation areas around Putnam County. 

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Make Park Reservations from Monday to Friday 7:30 am to 4:00 pm

County Parks and Conservation Areas are open and maintained for the enjoyment of everyone. Park employees patrol and maintain these properties throughout the year but are not always aware of problems that arise. We depend on residents to be our eyes and ears by reporting problems or concerns so they can be addressed promptly.

Seasonal employment opportunities are available at the Veterans Memorial Park. Each year lifeguards and summer laborers are hired for the season. Call the park office for details.

Informational brochures for most of the Conservation Areas and Parks are available at the Putnam County Parks Department office which is located at Putnam County Veteran’s Memorial Park.

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Brochures, Trail Maps & Helpful Links


Community Garden Application: If you would like a community garden application, please contact the office. Telephone: (845) 808-1994

Trail Maps

Helpful Links

Bike Routes

Putnam Trailway Brochure

The Putnam Trailway is a paved bicycle/pedestrian path located primarily on right-of-way lands of the former Putnam Division of the New York Central Railroad. The “Old Put” as it was formerly referred to by commuters, provided freight and passenger service from 1881 to 1958 between the Bronx in New York City and Brewster in Putnam County. The Putnam Railroad once served 6 stations in Putnam County, some of which still stand today. Station stops included Brewster, Tilly Foster, Carmel, Crafts, Mahopac, Lake Mahopac and Baldwin Place. The Lake Mahopac station building is known today as the American Legion Post building on Bucks Hollow Road.

The Putnam Right-of-Way spans 12.0 linear miles through Putnam County, from the Westchester border at Baldwin Place to Brewster Village where it merged into the Harlem Line Tracks. At Baldwin Place, the Putnam Trailway connects to the North County Trailway, which continues south through Westchester County and into the Bronx to Marble Hill (225th Street). Two branch lines are in the trailway planning stages; one going from Lake Mahopac to Goldens Bridge, and the other from Baldwin Place to Mahopac Falls. For more information about the trailway system, call the Putnam County Department of Planning at (845) 878-3480 or write Putnam County Planning Department, 841 Fair Street, Carmel, NY 10512 or visit our web site at:

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Parks & Conservation Areas

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